Chiamaci 800.185.095

Valerio De Luca

Ricercatore (rtt)


Ricercatore con esperienza nell'ambito delle tecnologie di realtà estesa applicate alla medicina, all'education e ai beni culturali.

I suoi interessi di ricerca passati includono il grid computing, i sistemi distribuiti per lo streaming audio-video in tempo reale e la Quality of Experience (QoE).

Ha lavorato anche sul GPU Computing, con applicazione alla pianificazione ottimale del percorso di UAV, e sulla realtà aumentata per migliorare la consapevolezza della situazione nel controllo remoto dei droni.

Recentemente ha lavorato all'uso della realtà estesa per la pianificazione preoperatoria e il supporto intraoperatorio in chirurgia ortopedica.


Facoltà di Ingegneria e informatica

Materia d'insegnamento

Basi di dati, 9 CFU, CdS L-31Progettazione in realtà virtuale e sicurezza, 6 CFU, CdS LM-26Progettazione in realtà virtuale e sicurezza, 6 CFU, CdS L-31Sicurezza dei sistemi informatici, 12 CFU, CdS LM-26


Dal Lunedì al Venerdì dalle 18:00 alle 19:00

Modalità di prenotazione degli uffici

Online previo appuntamento


  1. De Luca V., Bortoletto R., Ranaldo D., De Paolis L.T., Accurate Registration of 3D Models with Organs in Augmented Reality Through Inertial Sensors, (2023) IFMBE Proceedings, 89, pp. 33 - 41, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-37132-5_5
  2. Radogna A.V., Fiore N., Tumolo M.R., De Luca V., De Paolis L.T., Guarino R., Leo C.G., Mincarone P., Sabato E., Satriano F., Capone S., Sabina S., Exhaled breath monitoring during home ventilo-therapy in COPD patients by a new distributed tele-medicine system, (2021) Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 12 (4), pp. 4419 - 4427, DOI: 10.1007/s12652-019-01618-2
  3. De Luca V., Epicoco I., Lezzi D., Aloisio G., A web API framework for developing grid portals, (2011) Procedia Computer Science, 4, pp. 392 - 401, DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2011.04.041
  4. De Paolis L.T., Liaci S., Sumerano G., De Luca V., A Video Mapping Performance as an Innovative Tool to Bring to Life and Narrate a Pictorial Cycle, (2022) Information (Switzerland), 13 (3), art. no. 122, DOI: 10.3390/info13030122
  5. Nunnari F., Magliaro S., D’Errico G., De Luca V., Barba M.C., De Paolis L.T., Designing and Assessing Interactive Virtual Characters for Children Affected by ADHD, (2019) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11883 LNCS, pp. 285 - 290, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31908-3_17
  6. Tommasi F., De Luca V., Melle C., Packet losses and objective video quality metrics in H.264 video streaming, (2015) Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 27, pp. 7 - 27, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvcir.2014.12.003
  7. Avanzini G., De Luca V., Pascarelli C., AR-based visual aids for suas operations in security sensitive areas, (2020) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12242 LNCS, pp. 289 - 298, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58465-8_22
  8. Cisternino D., Gatto C., D’Errico G., De Luca V., Barba M.C., Paladini G.I., De Paolis L.T., Virtual Portals for a Smart Fruition of Historical and Archaeological Contexts, (2019) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11614 LNCS, pp. 264 - 273, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-25999-0_23
  9. Gatto C., D’Errico G., Nuccetelli F., De Luca V., Paladini G.I., De Paolis L.T., XR-Based Mindfulness and Art Therapy: Facing the Psychological Impact of Covid-19 Emergency, (2020) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12243 LNCS, pp. 147 - 155, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58468-9_11
  10. Tommasi F., De Luca V., Melle C., Are P2P streaming systems ready for interactive e-learning?, (2014) 2014 International Conference on Education Technologies and Computers, ICETC 2014, art. no. 6998901, pp. 49 - 54, DOI: 10.1109/ICETC.2014.6998901
  11. Invitto S., Faggiano C., Sammarco S., De Luca V., De Paolis L.T., Interactive entertainment, virtual motion training and brain ergonomy, (2015) Proceedings of the 2015 7th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment, INTETAIN 2015, art. no. 7325491, pp. 88 - 94, DOI: 10.4108/icst.intetain.2015.259537
  12. Avanzini G., De Luca V., Pascarelli C., Integrated Platform for sUAS Operations in Sensitive Areas with Improved Pilot Situation Awareness, (2021) Proceedings - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management, CogSIMA 2021, art. no. 9475927, pp. 17 - 24, DOI: 10.1109/CogSIMA51574.2021.9475927
  13. D’Errico G., Barba M.C., Gatto C., Nuzzo B.L., Nuccetelli F., De Luca V., De Paolis L.T., Measuring the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality for Stress Reduction: Psychometric Evaluation of the ERMES Project, (2023) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14218 LNCS, pp. 484 - 499, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-43401-3_32
  14. De Luca V., Corchia L., Gatto C., Paladini G.I., De Paolis L.T., An Augmented Reality Application for the Frescoes of the Basilica of Saint Catherine in Galatina, (2022) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1645 CCIS, pp. 112 - 125, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-20302-2_9
  15. De Luca V., Epicoco I., Lezzi D., Aloisio G., GRB-WAPI, a RESTful framework for grid portals, (2012) Procedia Computer Science, 9, pp. 459 - 468, DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2012.04.049
  16. De Luca V., Schena A., Covino A., Di Bitonto P., Potenza A., Barba M.C., D’Errico G., De Paolis L.T., Serious Games for the Treatment of Children with ADHD: The BRAVO Project, (2024) Information Systems Frontiers, DOI: 10.1007/s10796-023-10457-8
  17. Barba M.C., Covino A., de Luca V., De Paolis L.T., D’Errico G., Di Bitonto P., Di Gestore S., Magliaro S., Nunnari F., Paladini G.I., Potenza A., Schena A.BRAVO: A gaming environment for the treatment of ADHD, (2019) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11613 LNCS, pp. 394 - 407, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-25965-5_30
  18. De Luca V., Barba M.C., D’Errico G., Nuzzo B.L., De Paolis L.T., A user experience analysis for a mobile Mixed Reality application for cultural heritage(2023) Virtual Reality, 27 (4), pp. 2821 - 2837, DOI: 10.1007/s10055-023-00840-w
  19. Tommasi F., De Luca V., Melle C., QoS monitoring in real-time streaming overlays based on lock-free data structures, (2021) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80 (14), pp. 20929 - 20970, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-020-10198-9
  20. De Paolis L.T., Faggiano F., Gatto C., Barba M.C., De Luca V., Immersive virtual reality for the fruition of ancient contexts: The case of the archaeological and Naturalistic Park of Santa Maria d'Agnano in Ostuni, (2022) Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 27, art. no. e00243DOI: 10.1016/j.daach.2022.e00243
  21. De Paolis L.T., De Luca V., Paladini G.I., Touchless Navigation in a Multimedia Application: The Effects Perceived in an Educational Context, (2019) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11614 LNCS, pp. 348 - 367, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-25999-0_30
  22. De Paolis L.T., Chiarello S., De Luca V., An Immersive Virtual Reality Application to Preserve the Historical Memory of Tangible and Intangible Heritage, (2023) Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 2, pp. 279 - 286, DOI: 10.5220/0011791400003417
  23. De Paolis L.T., De Luca V., The effects of touchless interaction on usability and sense of presence in a virtual environment, (2022) Virtual Reality, 26 (4), pp. 1551 - 1571, DOI: 10.1007/s10055-022-00647-1
  24. De Paolis L.T., De Luca V., D’Errico G., Augmented Reality to Understand the Leonardo’s Machines, (2018) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10851 LNCS, pp. 320 - 331, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-95282-6_24
  25. De Paolis L.T., Gatto C., Corchia L., De Luca V., Usability, user experience and mental workload in a mobile Augmented Reality application for digital storytelling in cultural heritage, (2023) Virtual Reality, 27 (2), pp. 1117 - 1143, DOI: 10.1007/s10055-022-00712-9
  26. De Paolis L.T., Chiarello S., Gatto C., Liaci S., De Luca V., Virtual reality for the enhancement of cultural tangible and intangible heritage: The case study of the Castle of Corsano, (2022) Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 27, art. no. e00238, DOI: 10.1016/j.daach.2022.e00238
  27. De Luca V., De Paolis L.T., Stability of Feature Detection Algorithms in Low Quality Video Encoding, (2023) 2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering, MetroXRAINE 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 769 - 774, DOI: 10.1109/MetroXRAINE58569.2023.10405756
  28. Tommasi F., Melle C., De Luca V., Opensatrelaying: A hybrid approach to real-time audio-video distribution over the internet, (2014) Journal of Communications, 9 (3), pp. 248 - 261, DOI: 10.12720/jcm.9.3.248-261
  29. Tommasi F., De Luca V., Melle C., Efficient multi-source RTP stream relaying in overlay networks, (2015) 2015 2nd World Symposium on Web Applications and Networking, WSWAN 2015, 2015-January, art. no. 7209091, DOI: 10.1109/WSWAN.2015.7209091
  30. Invitto S., Faggiano C., Sammarco S., de Luca V., de Paolis L.T., Haptic, virtual interaction and motor imagery: Entertainment tools and psychophysiological testing, (2016) Sensors (Switzerland), 16 (3), art. no. 394, DOI: 10.3390/s16030394
  31. De Paolis L.T., De Luca V., Paiano R., Sensor data collection and analytics with thingsboard and spark streaming, (2018) EESMS 2018 - Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems, Proceedings, art. no. 8405822, pp. 1 - 6, DOI: 10.1109/EESMS.2018.8405822
  32. De Luca V., Gatto C., Liaci S., Corchia L., Chiarello S., Faggiano F., Sumerano G., De Paolis L.T., Virtual Reality and Spatial Augmented Reality for Social Inclusion: The “Includiamoci” Project, (2023) Information (Switzerland), 14 (1), art. no. 38, DOI: 10.3390/info14010038
  33. De Paolis L.T., De Luca V., The impact of the input interface in a virtual environment: the Vive controller and the Myo armband, (2020) Virtual Reality, 24 (3), pp. 483 - 502, DOI: 10.1007/s10055-019-00409-6
  34. Pellegrino G., D’errico G., De Luca V., Barba M.C., De Paolis L.T., Hand Tracking for XR-Based Apraxia Assessment: A Preliminary Study, (2023) IFMBE Proceedings, 89, pp. 362 - 369, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-37132-5_46
  35. De Luca V., Marcantonio G., Barba M.C., De Paolis L.T., A Virtual Tour for the Promotion of Tourism of the City of Bari, (2022) Information (Switzerland), 13 (7), art. no. 339, DOI: 10.3390/info13070339
  36. De Paolis L.T., De Luca V., Gatto C., D’Errico G., Paladini G.I., Photogrammetric 3d reconstruction of small objects for a real-time fruition, (2020) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12242 LNCS, pp. 375 - 394, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58465-8_28
  37. Radogna A.V., Capone S., Siciliano P., Sabina S., Fiore N., Di Lauro G.A., De Luca V., De Paolis L.T., Leo C.G., Mincarone P., Sabato E., Satriano F., Remote Monitoring of COPD Patients During Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilation by a New Tele-medicine Device, (2020) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 629, pp. 75 - 81, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37558-4_12
  38. Gatto C., Calabrese L., Chiarella S., De Luca V., D'Errico G., Nuzzo B.L., Raffone A., De Paolis L.T., Wellbeing Assessment of a Museum Experience in Virtual Reality through UCL Measurement Tool Kit and Heart Rate Measurement: a Pilot Study, (2022) 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Extended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering, MetroXRAINE 2022 - Proceedings, pp. 483 - 488, DOI: 10.1109/MetroXRAINE54828.2022.9967568
  39. De Luca V., Pellegrino G., De Paolis L.T., The Impact of Usability and Learnability on Presence Factors in a VR Human Body Navigator, (2023) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14218 LNCS, pp. 378 - 396, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-43401-3_25
  40. De Luca V., Meo A., Mongelli A., Vecchio P., De Paolis L.T., Development of a virtual simulator for microanastomosis: New opportunities and challenges, (2016) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9769, pp. 65 - 81, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40651-0_6
  41. De Paolis L.T., De Luca V., The performance of Kinect in assessing the shoulder joint mobility, (2020) IEEE Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2020 - Conference Proceedings, art. no. 9137213, DOI: 10.1109/MeMeA49120.2020.9137213
  42. Cisternino D., Corchia L., De Luca V., Gatto C., Liaci S., Scrivano L., Trono A., De Paolis L.T., Augmented Reality Applications to Support the Promotion of Cultural Heritage, (2021) Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 14 (4), art. no. 47, DOI: 10.1145/3460657
  43. De Paolis L.T., De Luca V., Augmented visualization with depth perception cues to improve the surgeon’s performance in minimally invasive surgery, (2019) Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 57 (5), pp. 995 - 1013, DOI: 10.1007/s11517-018-1929-6
  44. Tommasi F., De Luca V., Melle C., A library for RTP relaying and QoS monitoring in Application Layer Multicast, (2013) International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, ICUFN, art. no. 6614853, pp. 418 - 423, DOI: 10.1109/ICUFN.2013.6614853