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Tommaso Boldrini



Sono PhD, psicoterapeuta, professore aggiunto al dipartimento di psichiatria dell’università di Ottawa (Canada) e ricercatore presso l'Università Telematica Pegaso. Dopo sei anni di esperienza clinica in un centro di salute mentale, ho conseguito il dottorato di ricerca presso la Sapienza Università di Roma e ho lavorato come ricercatore e docente presso l'Università di Padova (2019-2024). Mi occupo principalmente di prevenzione e trattamento dei disturbi psicotici e dei disturbi di personalità, con un approccio teorico psicoanalitico/psicodinamico e utilizzando principalmente tecniche di meta-ricerca. Sono stato coordinatore delle attività scientifiche della Society for Psychotherapy Research (Sezione Italiana) e  attualmente sono consulente scientifico per il Manuale Diagnostico Psicodinamico, Terza Edizione (PDM-3).


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Autore di >30 pubblicazioni scientifiche peer-reviewed, >60 atti di convegno, 1 MOOC, 4 capitoli in volume, 5 traduzioni di libri (dall'inglese all'italiano). Si veda la mia pagina web su Scopus:



Peer-reviewed publications

N.B. Impact Factor (IF) and quartiles (Q) are reported by Clarivate Journal Citation Report.

* corresponding author

# co-last authors

Lo Buglio, G., Mirabella, M., Muzi, L., Boldrini, T., Cerasti, E., Bjornestad, J., ... & Tanzilli, A. (2024). Eating disorders and disordered eating symptoms in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity29(1), 78.

Di Giuseppe, M., Lo Buglio*, G., Cerasti, E., Boldrini, T., Conversano, C., Lingiardi, V., & Tanzilli, A. (2024). Defense mechanisms in individuals with depressive and anxiety symptoms: a network analysis. Frontiers in Psychology15. [IF = 2.6; Q2 –Psychology, multidisciplinary]

Boldrini, T., Lo Buglio*, G. L., Lomoriello, A. S., Barsanti, A., Cordova, E., De Salve, F., ... & Polari, A. (2024). Service Users Perspectives on Psychosis-Risk Terminology: An Italian Study on Labeling Terms Preferences and Stigma. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 104254 [IF = 3.8; Q1 –Psychiatry]

Takahashi, T., Katagiri, N., Higuchi, Y., Nishiyama, S., Arai, Y., Tagata, H., Boldrini T ... & Polari, A. (2024). Nomenclature for psychosis risk in Japan: Survey results from high-risk individuals, caregivers, and mental health professionals. Schizophrenia Research267, 373-380. [Q1, IF 3.6].

Gritti, E. S., Bassi*, G., Lomoriello, A. S., Simonelli, A., Salcuni, S., Boldrini, T., & Girardi, P. (2024). Predictors of Poor Mental Health Outcomes in Healthcare Workers during COVID-19: A Two Waves Study. In Healthcare (Vol. 12, No. 19, p. 1921). MDPI.

Boldrini, T., Lo Buglio*, G., Cerasti, E., Pontillo, M., Muzi, L., Salcuni, S., ... & Solmi, M. (2024). Clinical utility of the at-risk for psychosis state beyond transition: A multidimensional network analysis. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 1-10. [Q1, IF 6.4].

Lo Buglio, G., Boldrini*, T., Polari, A., Fiorentino, F., Nelson, B., Solmi, M., ... & Tanzilli, A. (2024). Harmonizing early intervention strategies: scoping review of clinical high risk for psychosis and borderline personality disorder. Frontiers in Psychology15, 1381864. [Q1, IF=3.8]

Takahashi, T., Katagiri, N., Higuchi, Y., Nishiyama, S., Arai, Y., Tagata, H., ... Boldrini, T., & Polari, A. (2024). Nomenclature for psychosis risk in Japan: Survey results from high-risk individuals, caregivers, and mental health professionals. Schizophrenia Research267, 373-380. [IF = 3.6; Q1 – Psychiatry]

Altuncu, K. A., Lomoriello, A. S., Lo Buglio, G., Martino, L., Yenihayat, A., Belfiore, M. T., & Boldrini*, T. (2023). Mental Health Literacy about Personality Disorders: A Multicultural Study. Behavioral Sciences13(7), 605. [IF = 2.6; Q2 – Psychology, Multidisciplinary]

Boldrini*, T., Ghiandoni, V., Mancinelli, E., Salcuni, S., & Solmi, M. (2023). Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: Psychosocial Treatments for Disruptive Behavior Symptoms and Disorders in Adolescence. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(2), pp. 169–189. [IF = 13.11; Q1 –Pediatrics]

Venturini*, P., Bassi, G., Salcuni, S., Kotzalidis, G. D., Telesforo, C. L., Salustri, E., ... & Boldrini, T. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Italian version of the staff attitude to coercion scale: an exploratory factor analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1172803. [IF = 4.7; Q2–Psychiatry]

Tanzilli*, A., Boldrini, T., Carone, N., Gualco, I., Lingiardi, V., & Williams, R. (2023). Patient Personality Dimensions, Relational Patterns, and Therapeutic Alliance in Clinical Practice: An Empirical Investigation. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 30(1), pp. 97–111. doi: 10.1002/cpp.2779. [IF = 3.6; Q2–Clinical Psychology]

Lo Buglio, G., Pontillo, M., Cerasti, E., Polari, A., Lomoriello, A. S., Vicari, S., ... Boldrini* T, Solmi, M. (2023). A network analysis of anxiety, depressive, and psychotic symptoms and functioning in children and adolescents at clinical high risk for psychosis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 30(1). [IF = 4.7; Q2–Psychiatry]

Girardi P., Boldrini* T., Braggion M., Schievano E., Amaddeo F. , Fedeli U. (2022). Suicide Mortality among Psychiatric Patients in Northeast Italy. A 10-year Cohort Study. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Science, 31. [IF = 6.89; Q1 –Psychiatry and Mental Health]

Solmi M., Granziol U., Boldrini T., Salcuni S., Zaninotto* L., Salcuni, S. (2021). Stigma and attitudes towards restrictive practices in psychiatry among psychology students: a network and path analysis study in an Italian sample. Journal of Mental Health, Jan 27:1-9. [IF = 4.3; Q1 – Clinical Psychology]

Boldrini*, T., Mancinelli, E., Erbuto, D., Lingiardi, V., Muzi, L., Pompili, M., Ducci, G., Salcuni, S., Tanzilli, A., Venturini, P., & Giovanardi, G. (2021). Affective temperaments and depressive symptoms: The mediating role of attachment. Journal of Affective Disorders, 293, 476–483. [IF = 4.08; Q1 – Clinical Psychology]

Mancinelli, E., Gritti, E. S., Schiano Lomoriello*, A., Salcuni, S., Lingiardi, V., & Boldrini, T. (2021). How Does It Feel to Be Online? Psychotherapists’ Self-Perceptions in Telepsychotherapy Sessions During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 3702. [IF = 2.07; Q1 –Psychology (miscellanous)]

Boldrini T., Girardi* P., Clerici M., Conca A., Creati C., Di Cicilia G., Ducci G., Durbano F., Maci C., Maone A., Nicolò G., Oasi O., Percudani M., Pompili M., Rossi A., Salcuni S., Tarallo F., Vita A., …. Lingiardi V. (2021). Consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on admissions to general hospital psychiatric wards in Italy: Reduced psychiatric hospitalizations and increased suicidality. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry [IF = 5.6; Q1 – Clinical Neurology]

Tanzilli A., Di Giuseppe M.G., Giovanardi* G., Boldrini T., Caviglia G., Conversano C., Lingiardi V. (2021). Mentalization, Attachment, and Defense Mechanisms: A Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual-2-Oriented Empirical Investigation. Research in Psychotherapy, Psychopathology, Process and Outcome. [IF = 2.7; Q3 – Clinical Psychology]

Pontillo* M., Demaria F., Tata M.C., Averna R., Gargiullo P., Pucciarini M.L., Santonastaso O., Boldrini T., Tozzi A.E., Vicari S. (2020). Clinical significance of family accommodation and parental psychological distress in a sample of children and adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder aged 8-17 years old. Italian Journal of Pediatrics, 10;46(1):167. [IF = 2.19; Q2 – Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health]

Boldrini T., Schiano Lomoriello* A., Del Corno F., Lingiardi V., Salcuni S. (2020). Psychotherapy during COVID-19: How the clinical practice of Italian psychotherapists changed during the pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology. [IF = 2.07; Q2 –Psychology (miscellanous)]

Boldrini*, T., Pontillo M., Tanzilli A., Giovanardi, G., Di Cicilia G., Salcuni, S, Vicari S., Lingiardi, V. (2020). An attachment perspective on the risk for psychosis: Clinical correlates and the predictive value of attachment patterns and mentalization. Schizophrenia Research, 222: 2019-217. [IF = 4.57; Q1 – Biological Psychiatry]

Boldrini*, T., Solmi, M. (2020). Introduction to the Special Section on “Clinical High Risk for Mental Illness: Transdiagnostic Framework, Detection Strategies, Assessment, Treatment and Outcome”. Research in Psychotherapy, Psychopathology, Process and Outcome23(1). [IF = 2.7; Q3 – Clinical Psychology]

Boldrini*, T., Lo Buglio, G., Giovanardi, G., Lingiardi, V., Salcuni, S. (2020). Defense Mechanisms in Adolescents at High Risk of Developing Psychosis: An Empirical Investigation. In Research in Psychotherapy, Psychopathology, Process and Outcome23(1). [IF = 2.7; Q3 – Clinical Psychology]

Boldrini*, T., Tanzilli, A., Di Cicilia, G., Gualco, I., Lingiardi, V., Salcuni, Tata M., Vicari S., Pontillo, M. (2020). Personality Traits and Disorders in Adolescents at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis: Toward a Clinically Meaningful Diagnosis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 1258. [IF = 3.16; Q1 – Psychiatry and Mental Health]

Lingiardi, V., Boldrini*, T. (2019). The Diagnostic Dilemma of Psychosis: Reviewing the Historical Case of Pseudoneurotic Schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 207(7):577-584. [IF = 1.94; Q2 – Psychiatry and Mental Health]

Lingiardi*, V., Di Cicilia G., Boldrini, T. (2019). Personality, mental functioning, and symptoms: Assessing suicidal risk with the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual, 2nd ed. (PDM-2). Journal of Psychopathology. 25 (3), 132-138. [IF = 0.8; Q4 – Psychiatry]

Boldrini*, T., Tanzilli A., Pontillo M., Chirumbolo A., Vicari S., Lingiardi V. (2019). Comorbid personality disorders in individuals with an at-risk mental state for psychosis: A meta-analytic review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, 429. [IF = 3.16; Q1 – Psychiatry and Mental Health]

Boldrini*, T., Nazzaro, M. P., Damiani, R., Genova, F., Gazzillo, F., Lingiardi, V. (2018). Mentalization as a predictor of psychoanalytic outcome: An empirical study of transcribed psychoanalytic sessions through the lenses of a computerized text analysis measure of reflective functioning. In Psychoanalytic Psychology, 35(2), 196-204. [IF = 1.1; Q1 –Psychology. Psychoanalysis]

Nazzaro M.P., Boldrini T., Tanzilli A., Muzi L., Giovanardi G., Lingiardi* V. (2017). Does reflective functioning mediate the relationship between attachment and personality?. Psychiatry Research256, 169-175. [IF = 2.22; Q1 – Psychiatry and Mental Health]

Raballo*, A., Pappagallo, E., Dell' Erba, A., Lo Cascio, N., Patane', M., Gebhardt, E., Boldrini T., Terzarioli, L., Angelone M., Trisolini A., Girardi P., Fiori Nastro, P. (2016). Self-Disorders and Clinical High Risk for Psychosis: An Empirical Study in Help-Seeking Youth Attending Community Mental Health Facilities. Sch