Silvia Francesca Maria Pizzoli
Silvia Francesca Maria Pizzoli è psicologa, psicoterapeuta e Tenure-Track Researcher (PSIC-01A) presso il LAHTI (Laboratory for Advanced Human-Technology Interaction), Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze della Salute, Facoltà di Scienze Umane, della Formazione e dello Sport.
Con un dottorato in Medicina dei Sistemi (curriculum Medical Humanities) conseguito presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano, la sua attività accademica si concentra sull'applicazione di interventi digitali, intelligenza artificiale e realtà virtuale per la promozione del benessere psicologico e la riabilitazione in ambito clinico.
Autrice di oltre 50 pubblicazioni peer-reviewed e collaboratrice in progetti di ricerca multidisciplinari, le sue aree di interesse includono la psicologia positiva, l'interocezione e la modulazione dell'arousal e l'uso della tecnologia avanzata in contesti psicologici applicati.
Ha insegnato in corsi e workshop su interventi digitali e gestione dello stress, focalizzandosi sullo sviluppo di approcci innovativi per il miglioramento della qualità della vita delle persone sane e dei pazienti.
Grazie alla sua esperienza scientifica e all’integrazione tra psicologia e tecnologia, è attivamente impegnata nella ricerca per avanzare la conoscenza e le applicazioni pratiche nell’interazione uomo-tecnologia.
Materia d'insegnamento
- Gestione dei gruppi sportivi
- Psicologia generale
Gestione Gruppi Sportivi: Giovedì dalle 12.30 alle 13.30
Psicologia Generale: Giovedì dalle 13.30 alle 14.30
-Sebri, V., Durosini, I., Strika, M., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Mazzocco, K., & Pravettoni, G. (2024). Virtual body and emotions: A pilot study on the use of virtual reality for the management of unpleasant sensations after cancer. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 24(4), 1632-1640.
-Sebri, V., Pizzoli, S. F. M., & Pravettoni, G. (2024). What Does my Anxiety Look Like? A Thematic Analysis of the Impact of a Single Session Imagery Technique on Emotional Issues. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 1-16.
-Rossi, A. A., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Fernandez, I., Invernizzi, R., Panzeri, A., Taccini, F., & Mannarini, S. (2024). The Shield of Self-Esteem: Buffering against the Impact of Traumatic Experiences, Fear, Anxiety, and Depression. Behavioral Sciences, 14(10), 901.
-Di Natale, A. F., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Brizzi, G., Di Lernia, D., Frisone, F., Gaggioli, A., ... & Riva, G. (2024). Harnessing immersive virtual reality: A comprehensive scoping review of its applications in assessing, understanding, and treating eating disorders. Current Psychiatry Reports, 26(9), 470-486.
-Pizzoli, S. F. M., Rabarbari, E., Scerrati, E., & Riva, G. (2024). Enhancing Emotion Regulation Through Arousal Modulation with Modal and Amodal Virtual Food Representations. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 27(4), 294-296.
-Scotto, L., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Marzorati, C., Mazzocco, K., & Pravettoni, G. (2024). The impact of prophylactic mastectomy on sexual well-being: a systematic review. Sexual Medicine Reviews, 12(2), 164-177.
-Filipponi, C., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Masiero, M., Cutica, I., & Pravettoni, G. (2024). The Partial Mediator Role of Satisficing Decision-Making Style Between Trait Emotional Intelligence and Compassion Fatigue in Healthcare Professionals. Psychological Reports, 127(2), 868-886.
-Sebri, V., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Marzorati, C., Mazzocco, K., & Pravettoni, G. (2024). Interoception and body image in breast cancer patients: a mindfulness-based stress reduction protocol. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1394355.
-Frisone, F., Brizzi, G., Sansoni, M., Di Natale, A. F., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Stanghellini, G., & Riva, G. (2023). Autobiographical memory in feeding and eating disorders: a systematic review. Psychopathology, 1-25.
-Pizzoli, S. F. M., Durosini, I., Strika, M., & Pravettoni, G. (2024). Artificial intelligence and digital worlds: New frontiers of integration between AI and other technological tools. In Artificial Intelligence for Medicine (pp. 63-72). Academic Press.
-Durosini, I., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Strika, M., & Pravettoni, G. (2024). Artificial intelligence and medicine: A psychological perspective on AI implementation in healthcare context. In Artificial Intelligence for Medicine (pp. 231-237). Academic Press.
-Sebri, V., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Mazzoni, D., Brunet, J., Dégi, C. L., & Pravettoni, G. (2024). Emotions and perception in cancer patients and survivors: the role of body image. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1434357.
-Masiero, M., Filipponi, C., Fragale, E., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Munzone, E., Milani, A., ... & Pravettoni, G. (2024). Support for chronic pain management for breast cancer survivors through novel digital health ecosystems: pilot usability study of the PainRELife mobile app. JMIR Formative Research, 8, e51021.
-Cincidda, C., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Oliveri, S., Guiddi, P., & Pravettoni, G. (2024). Toward a new personalized psycho-social approach for the support of prostate cancer and their caregivers dyads: a pilot study. Frontiers in Medicine, 11, 1356385.
-Conti, L., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Marzorati, C., Grasso, R., Petralia, G., & Pravettoni, G. (2024). Cognitive alterations and brain functional changes following chemotherapy treatment in breast cancer patients: A systematic review on resting-state fMRI studies. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 1-16.
-Pizzoli, S. F., Vergani, L., Monzani, D., Scotto, L., Cincidda, C., & Pravettoni, G. (2024). The Sound of Grief: A Critical Discussion on the Experience of Creating and Listening to the Digitally Reproduced Voice of the Deceived. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 00302228231225273.
-Pizzoli, S. F. M., SEBRI, V., & PRAVETTONI, G. (2023). Web-based Mental Imagery: a Feasibility Study with a Brief Guided Exercise. ANNUAL REVIEW OF CYBERTHERAPY AND TELEMEDICINE 2023, 218.
-Durosini, I., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Strika, M., Marchesi, M., & Pravettoni, G. (2023). The Impact of Creative Virtual Reality on Decision-Making and Emotion Regulation. ANNUAL REVIEW OF CYBERTHERAPY AND TELEMEDICINE 2023, 72.
-Marton, G., Monzani, D., Vergani, L., Pizzoli, S. F. M., & Pravettoni, G. (2023). How to measure propensity to take risks in the italian context: The Italian Validation of the Risk Propensity Scale. Psychological reports, 126(2), 1003-1017.
-Pizzoli, S. F. M., Monzani, D., Vergani, L., Sanchini, V., & Mazzocco, K. (2023). From virtual to real healing: a critical overview of the therapeutic use of virtual reality to cope with mourning. Current Psychology, 42(11), 8697-8704.
-Ferraris, G., Monzani, D., Coppini, V., Conti, L., Pizzoli, S. F.M., Grasso, R., & Pravettoni, G. (2023). Barriers to and facilitators of online health information-seeking behaviours among cancer patients: a systematic review. Digital Health, 9, 20552076231210663.
-Durosini, I., Strika, M., Pizzoli, S. F. M., & Pravettoni, G. (2023, September). Emotions and “Sense of Presence” in the Psycho-Verse: Psychological Support for Breast Cancer Survivors in the Metaverse. In International Conference on Extended Reality (pp. 417-426). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
-Pizzoli, S. F. M., Monzani, D., Conti, L., Ferraris, G., Grasso, R., & Pravettoni, G. (2023). Issues and opportunities of digital phenotyping: ecological momentary assessment and behavioral sensing in protecting the young from suicide. Frontiers in psychology, 14, 1103703.
-Sebri, V., Durosini, I., Strika, M., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Mazzocco, K., & Pravettoni, G. (2023). Virtual reality for the promotion of interoception awareness and body image in breast cancer survivors: a study protocol. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1165905.
-Masiero, M., Filipponi, C., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Munzone, E., Guido, L., Guardamagna, V. A., ... & Pravettoni, G. (2023). Usability testing of a new digital integrated health ecosystem (PainRELife) for the clinical management of chronic pain in patients with early breast cancer: protocol for a pilot study. JMIR Research Protocols, 12(1), e41216.
-Cincidda, C., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Ongaro, G., Oliveri, S., & Pravettoni, G. (2023). Caregiving and shared decision making in breast and prostate cancer patients: a systematic review. Current Oncology, 30(1), 803-823.
-Derevianko, A., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Pesapane, F., Rotili, A., Monzani, D., Grasso, R., ... & Pravettoni, G. (2023). The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the radiology field: What is the state of doctor–patient communication in cancer diagnosis?. Cancers, 15(2), 470.
-Pesapane, F., Rotili, A., Valconi, E., Agazzi, G. M., Montesano, M., Penco, S., ... & Cassano, E. (2023). Women’s perceptions and attitudes to the use of AI in breast cancer screening: A survey in a cancer referral centre.