Monica Maria Elena Fait
Monica Maria Elena Fait ricopre il ruolo di Professore Ordinario in Economia e Gestione delle Imprese (ECON07/A) presso l'Università Telematica Pegaso di Napoli. È Preside della Facoltà di Economia e Giurisprudenza. In precedenza, ha ricoperto l’incarico di Direttore del Dipartimento di Benessere, Nutrizione e Sport. È stata Professore Associato alla Link Campus University (2021-2023) di Roma e Ricercatrice a tempo indeterminato all'Università del Salento (2006-2021). Ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca in Economia Aziendale ed è vincitrice di Assegno di ricerca Biennale in Economia Aziendale presso il Dipartimento di Studi Aziendali, Giuridici ed Ambientali - Università Degli Studi di Lecce.
La sua area di ricerca esamina gli effetti delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (ICT) sul comportamento aziendale, sulla Knowledge Sharing, sulla sostenibilità. È autrice di numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche e articoli apparse su riviste internazionali di elevato ranking come Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Knowledge Management, British Food Journal, Sustainability, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Journal of Business Research. Svolge, inoltre, il ruolo di revisore per diverse riviste internazionali. È relatore in convegni nazionali e internazionali e forum di settore. E’ Editorial Board Member Journal of Knowledge Management – Emerald-; Associate Editor e Editorial Board Members della Rivista Journal of Global Good Governance, Ethics & Leadership e Editorial board member International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business. Inderscience. Dal 2012 ad oggi- Academic auditor for the evaluation of research programs and products at the Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research (MIUR) (sectors European Research Council SH1_7 and SH1_8 - Management)
Materia d'insegnamento
Marketing Internazionale - LM56
Economia e Gestione delle imprese Sportive- LM47
Giovedì dalle 16.00 alle 17.00
Modalità di prenotazione degli uffici
Referred Journal Articles (CLASSE A)
1. Iaia L., Fait M., Munnia A., Cavallo F., De Nuccio E. (2023) "The Scientific Approach to Facilitate the Human-Machine Interactions. The Case of Carrozzeria Fratelli Basile” Journal of Management History (accepted on 3rd July, 2023) – ISSN 1751-1348. (Fascia A -Anvur; 0,4 SJR- Q1)
2. Fait, M., Palladino, R., Mennini, F.S., Graziano, D. and Manzo, M. (2023), "Enhancing knowledge brokerage drivers for dynamic capabilities: the effects on sustainable supply chain ecosystem", Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. ISSN: 1367-3270. (Fascia A – Anvur, IF 10.26 SJR 2.220 Q1).
3. Malodia, S., Mishra, M., Fait, M., Papa, A., & Dezi, L. (2023). To digit or to head? Designing digital transformation journey of SMEs among digital self-efficacy and professional leadership. Journal of Business Research, 157, 113547. ISSN 0148-2963 Scopus: eid=2-s2.0-85144546094. (Fascia A – Anvur, IF 11.30 SJR 2.049 - Q1)
4. Fait, M., Magni, D., Perano, M., Farina Briamonte, M. and Sasso, P. (2023), "Grassroot processes of knowledge sharing to build social innovation capabilities", Journal of Knowledge Management, 27(5), pp. 1390–1408. ISSN: 1367-3270. Scopus: eid=2-s2.0-85137483161 (Fascia A – Anvur, IF 10.26 SJR 2.220 Q1).
5. Fait, M., Cillo, V., Papa, A., Meissner, D., & Scorrano, P. (2023). The roots of “volunteer” employees’ engagement: The silent role of intellectual capital in knowledge-sharing intentions. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 24(2), 399-429. (Fascia A Anvur)
6. Fait, M., Meissner, D., Gregori, G. L., Monge, F., & Cillo, V. (2022). To act or to react? The role of responsiveness in corporate social performance disclosure in preventing plastic pollution in the travel and tourism sector. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management Volume 29, Issue 6 p. 2065-2082, (Fascia A – Anvur, IF 8.741 SJR 1.519 - Q1).
7. Magni, D., Chierici, R., Fait, M. and Lefebvre, K. (2022), "A network model approach to enhance knowledge sharing for internationalization readiness of SMEs", International Marketing Review, Volume 39, Issue 3, June 2022, Pages 626 652 ISSN: 02651335, eid=2-s2.0-8511368474
8. Rossi M., Festa G., Chouaibi, S., Fait M., Papa A.,(2021) “The Effects of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility on Intellectual Capital Voluntary Disclosure”, The Journal of Intellectual Capital, 22(7), pp. 1–23 doi: 10.1108/JIC-08-2020-0287 (Fascia A Anvur)
9. Fait, M., Vrontis, D., Maizza, A. and Cavallo, F. (2019), "Sustainability disclosure through virtual community: the case of the wine sector", British Food Journal, Vol. 122 No. 8, pp. 2513-2530. (Fascia A – Anvur, IF 2.090 SJR 0,58 Q1). WOS:000547365100010 Scopus: 2-s2.0-85076150068
10. Iaia, L., Vrontis, D., Maizza, A., Fait, M., Scorrano, P., & Cavallo, F. (2019). Family businesses, corporate social responsibility, and websites. British Food Journal, 121 (7), 1442-1466,; Scopus:s2.0-85067046772 WOS:00047927260000.1. (Fascia A – Anvur, IF 2.090 SJR 0,58 Q1)
11. Fait, M., Scorrano, P., Mastroleo, G., Cillo, V. and Scuotto, V. (2019), "A novel view on knowledge sharing in the agri-food sector", Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 23 No. 5, pp. 953-974., Scopus: s2.0-85067046772, WOS:000479272600001. (Fascia A – Anvur, IF: 4.805; SJR] 1.752 - Q1)
12. Martínez-Caro, E., Cegarra-Navarro, J. G., García-Pérez, A., & Fait, M. (2018). Healthcare service evolution towards the Internet of Things: An end-user perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 136, 268-276. - ISSN0040-1625. Scopus:2-s2.0-85044989798 , WOS:000449899100021. (Fascia A – Anvur, IF 4.850 SJR 2.644 Q1).
13. Iaia L., Scorrano P., Fait M., Cavallo F., (2017) "Wine, family businesses and web: marketing strategies to compete effectively", British Food Journal, Vol. 119 Issue: 11, pp.2294-2308, , Scopus: 2-s2.0-85031784517, WOS:000416122000002. (Fascia A – Anvur, IF 2.090 SJR 0,58 Q1)
14. Iaia, L., Maizza, A., Fait, M., & Scorrano, P. (2016). Origin based agro-food products: how to communicate their experiential value online?. British Food Journal, 118(8), 1845-1856. ISSN: 0007-070X. (Fascia A – Anvur, IF 2.090 SJR 0,58 Q1) DOI 10.1108/BFJ-05-2016-0202 Scopus: 2-s2.0-84979261570, WOS:000381209100002 .
1. Fait M. – Gravili G. (2016) Social Recruitment in Hrm: A Theoretical Approach and Empirical Analysis. Emerald Group Publishing. ISBN:978-1-78635-695-6; 978-1-78635-696-3. WOS:000403087000002
2. Fait M. (2008), Sviluppo e Competitività dei Territori del vino, Cacucci, Bari. ISBN 978-88-8422-816-1.
Referred Journal Articles
3. Fait, M. and Sakka, G. (2021), "Knowledge sharing: an innovative organizational approach to engage volunteers", EuroMed Journal of Business, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 290-305. (Fascia B Anvur ; IF 2.370 SJR 0.963 Q1)
4. Fait M., Scorrano P., Iaia L., Cavallo F., Maizza A., (2020) Communities of practice and value co-creation: the motivational engagement system of the Italia consortia, Journal for Global Business Advancement, vol.13, n.2, pp.146-261, DOI: 10.1504/JGBA.2020.110616. (Anvur Ranking - IF: 0.34 SJR: 0.212 Q3)
5. Vacca A.; Iazzi A.; Vrontis D.; Fait M. (2020) The Role of Gender Diversity on Tax Aggressiveness and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from Italian Listed Companies. Sustainability 12, 2007; p.1-15 doi:10.3390/su12052007 (Anvur Ranking- IF: 2.576, SJR 0,58 Q2)
6. Maizza A., Fait M., Scorrano P., Iazzi A. (2019), “How knowledge sharing culture can become a facilitator of the sustainable development in the agrifood sector”, Sustainability, 11(4), 952; doi:10.3390/su11040952., SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85076904816, WOS:000460819100012. (Anvur Ranking- IF: 2.576, SJR 0,58 Q2)
7. Scorrano P., Fait M., Maizza A., Vrontis D. (2019), Online branding strategy for wine tourism competitiveness, International Journal of Wine Business Research, 31(2). ISSN: 1751-1062, WOS:000479284200001. (Anvur Ranking- IF: 1.65 SJR: 0.372 Q2)
8. Scorrano P., Fait M., Iaia L., Rosato P., (2018), “The image attributes of a destination: an analysis of the wine tourists’ perception”, Euromed Journal of Business, vol. 13, n. 3, pp. 335-350, ISSN: 1450-2194, DOI 10.1108/EMJB-11-2017-0045, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85053272824, WOS:000448725500005. (Fascia B Anvur ; IF 2.370 SJR 0.631 Q1)
9. Monica Fait, Paola Scorrano, Amedeo Maizza, Alkis Thrassou (2017). A framework for analysing convergence between online brand identity and online brand image. The case of the British Museum. Sinergie- Italian Journal Of Management, vol. 35, p.177-201, ISSN: 0393-5108.
10. Maizza, A., Fait, M., Scorrano, P., & Vrontis, D. (2017). Old, new and third wine regions: a consumer perspective. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 13(5-6), 521-541. Scopus: 2-s2.0 85029484539, WOS:000381209100002.
11. Cavallo F., Iaia L., Fait M., Scorrano P. (2016), "La comunicazione dei wine bloggers: autoctono vs globale", Il Capitale culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, vol. 13/2016, pp. 321-339, ISSN (online) 2019-2362. DOI 10.13138/2039-2362/1364
12. Fait M., Scorrano P., Cavallo F., Iaia L. (2016), "Wine tourism destination image on the Web: a comparison between conveyed and perceived communication drivers", Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, vol. 9, n. 2, pp. 169-189. ISSN online: 1747-6763. ISSN print: 1549-9324. DOI: 10.1504/JIBED.2016.077715.10
13. Scorrano, P., Fait, M., & Maizza, A. (2015). The relationship between unstructured information and marketing knowledge: an experiment in the US wine market. International Journal of Management Practice, 8(3), 232-246. DOI: 10.1504/IJMP.2015.072772. Print ISSN: 1477-9064, Online ISSN: 1741-8143.
14. Fait M., Cavallo F., Scorrano P., Iaia L. (2015), "Wine web 2.0: digital communication and tourist netnography. Opportunities for new entrepreneurship", Special Issue "The Future of Entrepreneurship", Sinergie- Italian Journal of Management, vol. 33, n. 97, pp. 83-103, ISSN 0393-5108, DOI 10.7433/s97.2015.06.
15. Scorrano P., Fait M., Rosato P., Gravili S. (2015), "Communicating local products on the web: a comparison between Italian and English-language blogs", in International Journal of Technology Marketing, Vol. 10, N. 4, pp. 381-395, ISSN: 1741-8798.
16. Paiano R, Caione A., Guido A., Fait M., Scorrano P. (2014), "Knowledge Gathering From Social Media To Improve Marketing In Agri-food Sector", Communication of the IBIMA, ISSN:1943-7765
17. Fait M., Scorrano P., Iazzi A (2014), “La brand experience nelle strategie commerciali delle imprese vitivinicole”, Economia e diritto del terziario, n. 2/2014, ISSN: 1593-9464
18. Fait M., Rosato P., Scorrano P., Iaia L. (2013), "Image analysis e wine tourism destination: la prospettiva dell'enoturista", in Sinergie, n. 90, pp. 119-139, ISSN: 0393-5108. DOI: 10.7433/s90.2013.08
19. Fait M., Iazzi A., Trio O., Iaia L. (2013), "Social Web Communication and CRM in the marketing strategies of wine enterprises", in Journal of Economic Behavior, n. 3, pp. 103-116, ISSN: 2069-5756.
20. Fait M. (2012), "Tipici e turismo: un network per creare valore. Il caso del Franciacorta", in Sinergie, n. 89, pp. 255-274, ISSN: 0393-5108.
21. Fait M, Iazzi M. (2012), Aggregazione e innovazione: un modello di governance per la competitività delle imprese vitivinicole, Rivista EAS
22. Fait, M., & Trio, O. (2011). Da denominazione d'origine a marca: riflessioni su alcune esperienze consortili nell'agroalimentare. Micro & Macro Marketing, 20(3), 569-588.
23. Fait M. (2010), "Brand-land Equity nei territori del vino", in Mercati e Competitività, n. 3, Franco Angeli, Milano.
24. Fait M., Iazzi A. (2007), The Role of Social Capital in the Evolution of Districts.The case of the Fashion District in Puglia, in EAS, n. 1-, Cacucci Editore.