Gaetano Altavilla
Professore AssociatoBiografia
PROFESSORE ASSOCIATO, ai sensi della Legge n. 240/2010, art. 18, comma 1, nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare MEDF-01/A- Metodi e didattiche delle attività motorie - Settore Concorsuale 06/N2 – Scienze dell’esercizio fisico e dello sport, presso l’Università Telematica Pegaso, Facoltà di Scienze Umane, della Formazione e dello Sport, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione e dello sport (dal 22/07/2024)
RICERCATORE A TEMPO DETERMINATO, ai sensi dell’art. 24, c. 3, lett. B), nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare M-EDF/02 - Settore Concorsuale 11/D2, presso l’Università del Salento, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche e Ambientali (dal 31/10/2022)
Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale seconda fascia Settore Concorsuale 06/N2 – Scienze dell’esercizio fisico e dello sport
Dottore di ricerca in scienze sociali, campo della Chinesiologia, presso l’Università di Spalato - Croazia
Autore di 8 pubblicazioni monografiche
Autore di 129 articoli su rivista, sul database Scopus e WOS (database SCOPUS 106 articoli, 1845 citazioni totali e 25 H-index) e diverse partecipazioni a convegni scientifici in qualità di relatore.
Componente Comitato Scientifico nelle seguenti Collane: “Benessere, salute, movimento e Didattica, Educazione e Motricità”.
Componente e partecipazione in qualità di Assistant Guest Editor of Special Issue "Physical Education and Sport for Disabled People" - Open Access Publishing by MDPI.
Componente del collegio docenti del Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze e tecnologie biologiche e ambientali - XXXVIII ciclo – con afferenza del proprio SSD all’area 6, nel settore concorsuale 06N2 “Scienze dell’esercizio fisico e dello sport”, presso l’Università del Salento.
Inserito nella classifica “100.000 Top-cited scientists 2021 della Stanford University” (coordinati dal prof. John Ioannidis), su 22 settori scientifici e i relativi 176 sottosettori, nel dominio Health Sciences e del subfield Sport Sciences.Inserito nella classifica “100.000 Top-cited scientists 2021 della Stanford University” (coordinati dal prof. John Ioannidis), su 22 settori scientifici e i relativi 176 sottosettori, nel dominio Health Sciences e del subfield Sport Sciences.Inserito nella classifica “100.000 Top-cited scientists 2021 della Stanford University” (coordinati dal prof. John Ioannidis), su 22 settori scientifici e i relativi 176 sottosettori, nel dominio Health Sciences e del subfield Sport Sciences
Materia d'insegnamento
- Metodi e didattica delle attività motorie, SSD MEDF-01/A – 10 CFU nel CdS LM-47
- Attività motoria preventiva e compensativa per l’età adulta e anziana, SSD MEDF-01/A 10 CFU nel CdS L-22
- Attività motoria preventiva e compensativa per l’età adulta e anziana, SSD MEDF-01/A 9 CFU nel CdS L-19
L22 - 4° lunedì del mese dalle ore 11:00 alle ore 12:00
LM47 - 2° venerdì del mese dalle ore 11:00 alle ore 12:00
L19 - 4° lunedì del mese dalle ore 11:00 alle ore 12:00
Modalità di prenotazione degli uffici
1. Altavilla, G.; Aliberti, S.; D’Elia, F. Assessment of Motor Performance and Self?Perceived Psychophysical Well?Being in Relation to Body Mass Index in Italian Adolescents. Children 2024, 11, 1119. ISSN 2227-9067
2. Altavilla, G. (2024). Analysis and comparation of the factors determining and impact on sports performance: A Review. Formazione & insegnamento, 22, 7080; retrieved from
3. Esposito, G., Altavilla, G., Giardullo, G., Ceruso, R., and D’Isanto, T. (2024). The Effecs of the Use of Plyometric Exercises with and without the Ball in the Development of Explosive Strength in Volleyball. J. Functional Morphology Kinesiology, 9, 126;
4. D’Isanto, T., Esposito, G., Altavilla, G., D’Elia, F., and Raiola, G. (2024) Scientific identity and epistemology of movement, exercise, and sport sciences through the analysis of scientific production of Italian full professors. Front. Educ. 9:1176632. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2024.1176632
5. Altavilla, G., D’Elia, F., D’Isanto, T., & Raiola, G. (2023). Effects of direction change in running with and without the ball and performance level on metabolic demands in young basketball players.European Journal of Human Movement, 51(1),18-25.Doi:10.21134/eurjhm.2023.51.3WOS
6. Altavilla, G. (2023). Impact of new professional profiles of the sports kinesiologist, preventive and adapted motor activities kinesiologist and of sports manager in the current university education. Acta Kinesiologica, 17 (2023) Issue 1. Doi. 10.5137/issn.1840-2976.2023.17.1.10
7. D’Elia, F., D’Isanto, T., Altavilla, G. Esposito, G., & Raiola, G. (2023). Does training with visual occlusion improve technical skills in Under-14 football players? Acta Gymnica, 53, e2023.004 53,
8. Penna, G., Zecca, G., Altavilla, G., D’Isanto, T., Russo, L. (2023). Can somatotype influence the static postural control? A new proposal of investigation. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 18(3), 586-595.
9. D’Elia, F., D’Isanto, T., Esposito, G., Altavilla, G. & Raiola, G. (2023). Distribution analysis of ECTS credits allocated to physical training sciences and methodology (M-EDF/01) and sport sciences and methodology (M-EDF/02) in Italian master’s degree programs in exercise and sport sciences. Sport Sciences for Health, 19(4):1-8;
10. D’Elia, F., D’Isanto, T., Esposito, G., Altavilla, G. & Raiola, G. (2023). Physical activity and sport science in Italian scientific research products. Health, sport, rehabilitation; 9(2), 38-47. Doi:10.34142/HSR.2023.09.02.03
11. Altavilla, G. D’Isanto, T., Raiola, G., D’Elia, F. (2023). Different explosive strength and physiological demands between male and female basketball teams. Physical Education Theory and Methodology. 23 (2), 271-275. ISSN:1993-7997, Doi: 10.17309/tmfv.2023.2.16
12. Raiola, G., D’Elia, F., Esposito, G., Altavilla, G. D’Isanto, T. (2023). The accountability of football as a form of public good on local communities: a pilot study. Physical Education Theory and Methodology. 23 (2), 263-270. ISSN:1993-7997, Doi: 10.17309/tmfv.2023.2.15
13. Altavilla, G. (2023). Health and physical well-being during primary school age. Salute e benessere fisico nel periodo d’età della scuola primaria. Formazione & insegnamento, 21(1S), 54-62. Pensa MultiMedia: ISSN 2279-7505 (online).
14. Altavilla, G. (2023). Analysis and comparison of the goalkeeper’s role in past and modern soccer: a pilot study. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23 (3), 564-568. ISSN: 2247-8051, DOI:10.7752/jpes.2023.03070
15. D’isanto, T., Altavilla, G., Esposito, G., D’Elia, F., Raiola. G. (2023). Physical activity and sports sciences field in Italian scientific research product and its distint composition in biomedicine, exercise and sports sciences and pedagogy domains. Sport Sciences for Health. 19:987-991
16. D’isanto, T., Altavilla, G., Esposito, G., D’Elia, F., Raiola. G. (2022). Apprendimento euristico e sport: linee teoriche e proposte operative. Encyclopaideia – Journal of Phenomenology and Education. 26 (64), 69-80.
17. D’isanto, T., D’Elia, F., Esposito, G., Altavilla, G., Raiola. G. (2022). Examining the effects of mirror therapy on psycological readness and perception of pain in ACL-injured female football players. Journal of functional morphology and kinesiology, 7, 113.
18. Raiola, G., D’Isanto, T., D’Elia, F., Altavilla, G. (2022). An exploratory study in non-professional football on the perception of stekeholders about the new working professional profile of sports kinesiologist. International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 15839.
19. D’Isanto T, Aliberti S, Altavilla G, Esposito G, D’Elia F. (2022). Heuristic learning as a method for improving students’ teamwork skills in physical education. International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 12596.
20. D’Isanto, T., D’Elia, F., Altavilla, G., Aliberti, S., Esposito, G., Di Domenico, F., Raiola, G. (2022). In Italy compatibility between qualifying training objectives of degree courses in sport sciences and exercise and the kinesiologist profile. Trends in Sport Sciences, 29(3), 99-105; DOI: 10.23829/TSS.2022.29.3-3
21. Ceruso, R., D'Isanto, T., Altavilla, G., Esposito, G., Di Domenico, F., D'Elia F. (2022). Functional classification and performance in wheelchair basketball. Studia Sportiva, 16 (1), 23-32 - ISSN 2570-8783
22. Altavilla, G., Aliberti, S., D’Isanto, T., Raiola, G. (2022). A comparison between ecological-dynamic and cognitive approach to improve accuracy in basketball shot. Studia Sportiva, 16 (1), 6-12 - ISSN 2570-8783
22. Altavilla, G., Ceruso, R., Esposito, G., Raiola, G., D’Elia, F. (2022). Physical education teaching in Italian primary school: theoretical lines and operational proposals. Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports, vol. 26(3)
23. Altavilla, G., Esposito, G., Ceruso, R., Di Domenico, F., D’isanto, T. (2022). Profile and Differences in Anthropometric and Jumping Ability Performance Between Elite and Amateur U16 Volleyball Players. Physical Education Theory and Methodology, vol.22(2), 237-241, ISSN:1993-7997, doi:10.17309/tmfv.2022.2.13
24. D’Elia, F., Altavilla, G., Esposito, G., Alberti, S., Raiola, G. (2022). Perceptions and benefits of static and dynamic stretching in dancers: qualitative and quantitative aspects. Journal of Physical Education, vol. 33, 1-9. doi:104025/jphseduc.v33i1.3339
25. Altavilla, G., Raiola, G., D’Elia, F., Jelicic, M. (2022). Energetic cost of running with and without the ball in male basketball players. Physical Activity Review, vol. 10(2),88-96. doi:10.16926/par.2022.10.24
26. Altavilla G. (2022). Elaborazioni teoriche, metodologiche e valutative delle attività fisico- motorie, p. 1-170, MONTESARCHIO (BN) - SAMNICAUDIUM EDIZIONI, ISBN: 979-12-80658-03-6 - (Monografia)
27. Di Domenico, F., D’isanto, T., Altavilla, G., D’Elia, F., Raiola, G. (2022). Inclusive Physical Activity to Promote the Participation of People with Disabilities: A Preliminary Study. International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research, 11, 12-18,
28. D’Elia F, Di Domenico F., Esposito G., Altavilla G., Raiola G. (2022). Improvement of Repeated Sprint Ability for aMale Amateur Football Team through the Cometti Concatenations Method. SPORT MONT, vol. 20(1), p. 3-7, ISSN:2337-0351, doi: 10.26773/smj.22020
29. F. Di Domenico, G. Altavilla, G. Raiola (2022). Relationship between Rapid Strength, Reactive and Strength and Agilityin University Sports Students. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN MOVEMENT AND SPORTS SCIENCES, vol. 10, 98-103 doi: 10.13189/saj.2022.100114
30. Aliberti S, Calandro A, Esposito G, Altavilla G, Raiola G (2021). Three workouts compared: interval training,intermittent training and steady state training for the improvement of VO2max and BMI. Sports science & health, vol. 11, p. 197-204, ISSN: 2232-822X, doi: 10.7251/SSH2102197A
31. Altavilla G (2021). Didactic problem: Teaching and methods in volleyball. JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT ANDEXERCISE, vol. 16, p. 1698-1704, ISSN: 1988-5202, doi:10.14198/jhse.2021.16.Proc4.16
33. Altavilla G (2021). Indicazioni metodologiche per l’educazione all’attività motoria, fisica e sportiva nella formazionedocente. Methodological indications for the education of motor, physical and sports activity during teachers’training. FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO, vol. 19: Supplemento, p. 96-106, ISSN: 2279-7505, doi: 10.7346/-feis-XIX-03-21_10
34. Altavilla G (2021). Significati e metodi del movimento umano per la formazione. p. 1-125, Montesarchio (Bn): SAMNICAUDIUM EDIZIONI, ISBN:979-12-80658-01-2 (Monografia)
35. Altavilla G, Esposito G, Lipoma M. (2021). Application of methodology to reduce the performance of non-disabled athletes.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT, 21(S1), 681-685, ISSN: 2247-8051, doi: 10.7752/jpes.2021
36. Altavilla G, Macrì I, Esposito G (2021). Data collection on indoor and outdoor physical activities during the SARS-Covid- 2 pandemic. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT, vol. 21, p. 686-691, ISSN: 2247-8051, doi:10.7752/jpes.2021
37. D'Elia F, Esposito G, D'Isanto T, Altavilla G, Raiola G (2021). THE IMPACT OF THE RACKET ON MOBILITY PERFORMANCE IN WHEELCHAIR TENNIS. Sports Science & Health, vol. VOLUME 11 ISSUE 1, p. 11-15, ISSN: 2232-822X, doi: 10.7251/SSH2101011E
38. D’Elia F, D’Andrea D, Esposito G, Altavilla G, Raiola G (2021). Increase the Performance Level of Young Basketball Players through the Use of High Intensity Interval Training. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN MOVEMENTAND SPORTS SCIENCES, vol. 9, p. 445-450, ISSN:2381-4403, doi:10.13189/saj.2021
39. Esposito G., Altavilla G., Di Domenico F., Aliberti S., D’Isanto T., D’Elia F. (2021). Proprioceptive Training toImprove Static and Dynamic Balance in Elderly. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STATISTICS IN MEDICALRESEARCH, vol. 10, p. 194-199, ISSN: 1929-6029, doi: 10.6000/1929-6029.2021.10.18
40. Francesca D’Elia, Tiziana D’Isanto, Gaetano Altavilla, Gaetano Raiola (2021). Evolution of explosive strength data inyouth volleyball players before and after pandemic. TEORIA TA METODIKA FÌZICNOGO VIHOVANNA, vol.21(4),375-380, ISSN:1993-7997, doi:10.17309/tmfv.2021.4.13
41. Russo A, Invernizzi PL, Scurati R, Ceruso R, Altavilla G. (2021). Removing the division into categories between cycling and