Elena Borin
Professore OrdinarioBiografia
Elena Borin is Full Professor in Business Administration for Pegaso Digital University (Italy), where she has also been appointed as Rector's Delegate for Internationalization. She is the Scientific Coordinator of USPBA - Strategic Unit for International Projects, the Scientific Coordinator of the Excellence Laboratory on Sustainable Innovation in Cultural and Creative Industries, Sectors and Ecosystems and co-coordinator of the Observatory on Sustainability Accounting and Reporting Practices in Cultural and Creative Ecosystems.
She was previously associate professor for Link Campus University (Italy) and from 2017 till 2021, and from 2016 till 2021 she was Director of the MSc in Arts and Cultural Management, Coordinator of the Research team in Arts and Cultural Management at the Burgundy School of Business (Dijon, France). She was awarded the title of Doctor Europeus (European Doctor) in 2016, she won the Research Award for Cultural Management and Policy (Brussels, Belgium) and the IUSS Award (Ferrara, Italy) in 2017. She is Vice-President (since 2023) and Board Member (since 2021) of ENCATC – European Network of Cultural Management and Policy since 2021, where she is also the President’s Delegate for the Coordination of Research.
She has served as a member of several scientific committees of university programs and international organizations, among which she was a member of the Steering Committee of the International University Network Routes towards Sustainability from 2017 to 2021, she has been Member of the Scientific Committee of the ENCATC Annual Congress since 2018, member of the jury for the ENCATC Research Award since 2020 and of the Scientific Committee of the University Network INSIDE Modern Heritage since 2021.
She serves on the International Advisory Board of the journal Culture: Policy, Management and Entrepreneurship, published by the Taiwan Association of Cultural Policy Studies, she is Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Cultural Policy and Management published by Frontiers (Switzerland) where she previously was Editor-in-Chief (interim). Finally, she serves on the Advisory Board of ENCATC Scholar: Cultural Management and Policy Education and Teaching, published in Brussels.
She has extensive experience in project
management in the framework of international research projects on her topics of interest. Her research interests include cultural management, governance and policy with an international comparative approach, funding for the cultural and creative sector, public-private partnerships, and multi-stakeholder partnerships in the cultural sector and sustainability. Her most recent scientific contributions include books with Springer, Eurilink University Press and PIE Peter Lang on the theme of entrepreneurship, public-private partnership in the cultural sector, sustainability accounting for museums, and cultural leadership in tourism, as well as book contributions and scientific papers related to her main research topics. In 2024, she won the Best Research Paper Award at the ENCATC Congress 2024. She has been invited speaker and track chair at several international scientific conferences related to her research topics.
Materia d'insegnamento
Contabilità Pubblica e Valutazione delle Performance nelle PA
Su prenotazione degli studenti, in orari concordati anche per favorire la partecipazione degli studenti lavoratori.
Modalità di prenotazione degli uffici
IRIS Profile: https://www.unipegaso.iris.cineca.it/cris/rp/rp00541
? Borin E. (2023), Sustainability Accounting in and for Museums, Eurilink Press.
? Borin E. (2017) Public-Private Partnership in the Cultural Sector: a Comparative Analysis of European Models. Bruxelles: PIE Peter Lang. WINNER of the 3rd ENCATC Research Award on Cultural Policy and Cultural Management Research. ENCATC – Brussels (Belgium)
Book Editorships:
? Borin, E, Cerquetti, M., Crispi, M. and Urbano, J. (2022) “Cultural Leadership in Transition Tourism”, Springer (forthcoming)
Innerhofer, E. Pechlaner, H. and Borin E. (eds.) Entrepreneurship in Culture and Creative Industries - Perspectives from Companies and Regions, Springer, 2017, pp.1-11
Editorship of Special Issues of international Scientific Journals:
? E. Borin and C. Sinapi (guest editors), (2023) Special Issue on: "Sustainable Entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Sector: Contextualisation, Challenges and Prospects", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Inderscience publisher.
Paper published in scientific peer-reviewed journals:
Cerchione, R., Centobelli, P., Borin, E., Usai, A. and Oropallo, E. (2024), "The WISED knowledge-creating company: rethinking SECI model in light of the digital transition", Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-02-2024-0133 (ranked A – Anvur List, Q1 Scimago List)
? Borin, E. (2024) “Sustainability Priorities Disclosures in Annual Reports and the Contribution of Museums to Sustainable Development and Overtourism» in Harald Pechlaner, Elisa Innerhofer, and Julian Philipp (eds.), From overtourism to sustainability governance: a new tourism era, New York : Routledge, 2024, pp. 120-136, https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003365815-13
? Borin, E. (2024) “Fostering economic and financial resilience through an ecosystem approach: Opportunities and peculiarities of cultural heritage” in Balzani, M., Maietti, F., Montuori, M. and Raco, F. (eds.) Built Heritage in Post-Disaster Scenarios. Improving Resilience and Awareness towards Preservation, Risk Mitigation, and Governance Strategies, CRC Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 177-184, ISBN: 978-1-032-18274-2
? Lins De Moraes, M., Borin, E., Carvalho, I. (2023) “Economia Comportamental, Hospitalidade em Hospitais e Suicídio Assistido: Uma Revisão da Literatura”, in José Lucas Cardoso, Francisco Nicolau Domingos, João de Sousa Assis, Bárbara Magalhães (eds.), Turismo - Reflexões Jurídicas e Económicas, Coimbra (Portogallo): Almedina, pp. 267-286, ISBN: 9789894016168
Borin, Elena, and Luca Rossato. (2023). "Sustainable Management of International Partnerships for Cultural Heritage Digitization in Brazil" Sustainability 15, no. 21: 15302. https://doi.org/10.3390/su152115302
Borin, Elena, and Fabio Donato. 2023. "Financial Sustainability of Digitizing Cultural Heritage: The International Platform Europeana" Journal of Risk and Financial Management 16, no. 10: 421. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm16100421
Borin, E., and Fantini, G. (2023). Participatory Governance as a Success Factor in Equity Crowdfunding Campaigns for Cultural Heritage, Journal of Risk and Financial Management 16, no. 3: 172. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm16030172
Cerchione, R., Centobelli, P., Oropallo, E., Magni, D. and Borin, E. (2023), "Knowing what you don’t know: a tertiary study on knowledge management", Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 27 No. 9, pp. 2548-2578. https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-07-2022-0589 (ranked A – Anvur List; Q1 Scimago List)
Borin, E., Cillo, V., Thomas, A. “The role of crowdfunding in endorsing responsible open innovation for shared value co-creation: a systematic literature review”, European Journal of Innovation Management (forthcoming 2022) (ranked A – Anvur List; Q1 Scimago List)
Borin E., Crepin D., (2022), «L’utilizzo e il valore del crowdfunding per le organizzazioni del patrimonio culturale / The use and value of crowdfunding for cultural heritage organisations. Il capitale culturale – Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, n. 26, p. 203-230 (forthcoming)
E. Borin and C. Sinapi (2022). Sustainable Entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Sector: Contextualisation, Challenges and Prospects – Editorial. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 48,issue 1, pp. 1-9.
E. Borin and F. Donato (2022), “Equity crowdfunding for cultural heritage: some insights from a French case study”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 48, Issue 1, pp.10-26.
Borin, E., Donato, F. (2020), "What is the legacy of the European Year of Cultural Heritage? A long way from cultural policies towards innovative cultural management models". European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy, Vol. 10, Issue 2.
Borin, E. And Rossato, L. (2020) "Crowdfunding per la conservazione del patrimonio culturale: il castello di Mothe Chandeniers (Crowdfunding enabling preservation of cultural heritage: the Mothe Chandeniers castle), in Urban Design – Paesaggio Urbano, 3. 2020, pp. 49-61, ISSN: 1120-3544
Borin, E., Juno Delgado, E. (2018), " The value of cultural and regional identity: an exploratory study of the viewpoints of funders and cultural and creative entrepreneurs". European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy, Vol. 7, Issue 1
? Borin, E. (2018) "Patrimonio culturale e ecosistemi imprenditoriali del settore culturale e creativo", Urban Design – Paesaggio Urbano, 2. 2018, pp. 102-109.
? Borin E. (2015) “Fostering the Creation of Cross-Sectorial Networks: Key Drivers for Culture-Related Collaborations in Italy’s Po Delta Region”. ENCATC Journal of Cultural Management and Policy, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 27-42
? Borin E. and Donato F. (2015) "Unlocking the potential of IC in Italian cultural ecosystems", Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 16 Iss: 2, pp.285 – 304. (ranked A – Anvur List; Q1 Scimago List)
? Borin E. and Badia F. (2012) “Opportunities and critical points of the introduction of performance measurement systems in theatres” in ENCATC Journal of Cultural Management and Policy (Brussels, Belgium), Vol. 2 n.2, pp. 44-59
? Borin E., Donato F., Gilli E., (2012) “Governance e management dei distretti culturali: alcune proposte per il territorio di Ferrara”, in Annali dell’Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica, Volume 8/1, pp. 135 - 149
? Borin E. and Badia F. (2011) “Performance Measurement Systems in Theatres: The Case of the Municipal Theatre of Ferrara” in Quaderni del Dipartimento di Economia Istituzioni Territorio, n.20, November 2011
? Borin E. (2011) “Fundraising Opportunities for Science and Technology Museums”, in Quaderni del Dipartimento di Economia Istituzioni Territorio, n.12, September 2011
? Borin, E. (2024) “Fostering economic and financial resilience through an ecosystem approach: Opportunities and peculiarities of cultural heritage” in BALZANI, M., MAIETTI, F., MONTUORI, M. and RACO, F. (eds.) Built Heritage in Post-Disaster Scenarios. Improving Resilience and Awareness Towards Preservation, Risk Mitigation, and Governance Strategies, CRC Press - Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 177-184, ISBN: 978-1-032-18274-2 (hbk)
? Lins De Moraes, M., Borin, E., Carvalho, I. (2023) Economia Comportamental, Hospitalidade em Hospitais e Suicídio Assistido: Uma Revisão da Literatura, in José Lucas Cardoso, Francisco Nicolau Domingos, João de Sousa Assis, Bárbara Magalhães (eds.), Turismo - Reflexões Jurídicas e Económicas, Almedina, pp. 245-268
? Borin, E. and Donato, F. (2023) "Cultural Heritage Alliances for Sustainable Urban and Rural Development" in Aureli, S., Del Baldo, M., Demartini P., and Piber, M. (eds.) Cultural Heritage as a Trigger for Civic Wealth Creation and Sustainable Urban Development, Book series Corporate Governance and e Scenari di Settore nelle Imprese, Vol. 7, Roma Tre Press, pp. 87-102
? Borin, E (2023). Sistemi di governance degli ecosistemi culturali imprenditoriali nelle aree interne : strategie di sviluppo e fattori di successo, in AA.VV. Nuove tecnologie per I beni culturali: un’opportunità di rilancio per le aree interne, Bardi Edizioni
? E. Borin and F. Donato (2022), “Cultural and creative ecosystem as key for a new development path: a reflection on management implications”, in Borin, E, Cerquetti, M., Crispi, M. and Urbano, J. (2022) “Cultural Leadership in Transition Tourism”, Springer
? Borin, E, Cerquetti, M., Crispi, M. and Urbano, J. (2022), Cultural Organisations as Drivers for Change in Tourism, in Borin, E, Cerquetti, M., Crispi, M. and Urbano, J.(eds.), Cultural Leadership in Transition Tourism, Springer
? Borin E. and Jolivet, C. (2021) "Entrepreneurial cultural ecosystems in rural contexts: some insights from rural cultural centers in France" in Demartini, P., Marchegiani, L., Marchiori, M. Schiuma, G. (eds.) Cultural Initiatives for Sustainable Development. Management, Participation, and Entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Sector, Springer
? Sinapi, C., Borin, E., Perchot, R. (2020) Stéréotype, discrimination, exclusion dans le secteur artistique, culturel et sportif. In: Abouna, S., Lagarde, C. (eds.). Les acteurs territoriaux de la lutte contre les discriminations : état des lieux, partenariats, perspectives, Dijon: EUD, 2020.
? Borin E., Innerhofer, E., Pechlaner, H. (2017) "Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship as Drivers for Change and Development" in Innerhofer, E. Pechlaner, H. and Borin E. (eds.) Entrepreneurship in Culture and Creative Industries - Perspectives from Companies and Regions, Springer, 2017 pp.1-11
? Borin, E., Donato, F., Sinapi, C., (2017) "Financial sustainability of small- and medium-sized enterprises in the cultural and creative sector: the role of funding", in Innerhofer, E. Pechlaner, H. and Borin E. (eds.) Entrepreneurship in Culture and Creative Industries - Perspectives from Companies and Regions, Springer, 2017 pp. 45-62
? Borin, E. (2017) "Il ruolo dei finanziamenti partecipativi per iniziative di restauro La campagna di crowdfunding per l’Atelier du Peintre". In Schiavi, A., Filippini, A., Malpezzi, D. (eds.). Restauro Musei . XXIV Edizione Ferrara: Acropoli Srl, 2017, p. 113-116.
? Borin, E., Donato, F. and C. Sinapi (2016) "Embedding inclusion in the management approach of cultural organizations" in Garofolo I., Arenghi A., and Sormoen O. (eds.) Accessibility as a Key Enabling Knowledge for enhancement of cultural heritage, Franco Angeli 2016, pp. 49-65
? Borin, E. and Paunovic, I. (2016) "The case of Louvre-Lens: regional regeneration through cultural innovation" in H. Pechlaner, M. Gon and M. Valeri (eds.) Innovazione, sostenibilità e competitiità.Teoria ed evidenze empiriche, Giappichelli Editore, 2016, pp. 67-76
? Borin E., Badia F., and Donato F., (2014), “Co-governing public value in local authorities”, in J. Guthrie, G. Marcon, S. Russo, F. Farneti (editors), Public Value Management, Measurement and Reporting, Emerald Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance, pp. 269-289
Papers published in scientific conferences proceedings:
? Borin, E. and G. Fantini (2021), “The peculiarities of equity crowdfunding for cultural heritage: a new approach to innovation”, IFKAD 2021 Conference – Managing Knowledge in Uncertain Times, Conference proceedings