Annalisa Raffone
Annalisa Raffone (PhD) is a Tenure-Track (RTT) Assistant Professor of English Language, Linguistics and Translation (ANGL-01/C) at “Pegaso” Digital University, and she was previously a Research Fellow at the University of Naples “L'Orientale”. At Pegaso, she is also the Internationalization Coordinator for the Master's Degree Program in Modern Linguistics (LM-39). She is a member of the Interuniversity Research Centre I-LanD (Language, Identity and Diversity) and the Observatory of Hate Speech Online, which is part of I-LanD. She is also a member of the Italian Association for the Study of English (AIA).
She is engaged in both national and international projects, including the PRIN 2022 Project “ECHOES” (English Studies to Contrast Hate Online and Enhance Solidarity) and the project “Idee Cinematografiche Differenti – Piano Nazionale Cinema e Immagini per la Scuola 2022” in collaboration with the University of Naples “L'Orientale”, as well as the Erasmus+ KA220 Project “FOM@Play” (Freedom of Movement at Play) and the project “L'Insegnamento di Scienze Motorie come Strumento di Promozione della Salute e dell'Inclusione nel Contrasto all'Obesità in Ambito Scolastico” with the University of Naples “Parthenope”. She possesses editorial experience and works as a copyeditor for the I-LanD Journal.
Her research focuses on the discursive construction of identity and diversity in the media, with particular attention to Social Media Sites and Cinema through the integrated approach of various methodologies, including (Social Media) Critical Discourse Studies and Corpus Linguistics. She has presented her work at national and international conferences and has published in edited volumes and leading journals. She is currently working on the discursive construction and representation of Disability and Hate Speech Online targeting minorities. She also investigates Innovative Digital Learning Environments, particularly Digital Storytelling (and its intersection with Discourse Studies) and Digital Game-based Learning in EFL school and university settings.
Materia d'insegnamento
Facoltà di Scienze Umane, della Formazione e dello Sport:
- Lingua Inglese, 3 CFU, CDS LM-39
- Lingua e Comunicazione Inglese, 3 CFU, CDS LM-39
Facoltà di Giurisprudenza ed Economia:
- Lingua Inglese, 10 CFU, CDS L-15
- Ulteriori conoscenze linguistiche, L-LIN/12, 6 CFU, CDS LM-56
- Per la conoscenza di almeno una lingua straniera, L-LIN/12, 5 CFU, CDS L-18
- Per la conoscenza di almeno una lingua straniera L-LIN/12, 6 CFU, CDS LMG-01
Facoltà di Ingegneria e Informatica:
- Per la conoscenza di almeno una lingua straniera, L-LIN/12, 5 CFU, CDS L-7
- Per la conoscenza di almeno una lingua straniera, L-LIN/12, 3 CFU, CDS L-31
Indicato mensilmente in piattaforma.
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