Andrea Generosi
Ricercatore con esperienza nella progettazione e nello sviluppo di soluzioni innovative basate su Deep Learning. Dottore di ricerca in Ingegneria Industriale, impegnato in progetti di ricerca e sviluppo per l'industria e il settore culturale, con un focus sulle tematiche di Affective Computing, ergonomia, automotive, HCI ed Extended Reality. Precedentemente assegnista di ricerca e professore a contratto presso l'Università Politecnica delle Marche e co-fondatore della startup e spin-off dell'UNIVPM Emoj Srl.
Materia d'insegnamento
- Sicurezza dei sistemi informatici, 12 CFU, CdS LM-26
- Progettazione in realtà virtuale e sicurezza, 6 CFU, CdS LM-26
- Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni, 15 CFU, CdS L-7
Dal Lunedì al Venerdì dalle 18:00 alle 19:00
Modalità di prenotazione degli uffici
Ceccacci, S., Generosi, A., Giraldi, L., Mengoni, M. (2018) Tool to Make Shopping Experience Responsive to Customer Emotions, International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol. 12(3), pp. 319-326. DOI:
Mengoni, M., Ceccacci, S., Generosi, A., Leopardi, A. (2018) Spatial Augmented Reality: an application for human work in smart manufacturing environment, Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 17, pp. 476-483. DOI
Mengoni, M., Generosi, A., Giraldi, L., & Torcianti, M. (2019). A Method to Measure the Emotional Experience of Audience by the EMOJ Tool: the Case Study of Macerata Opera Festival. Marketing i Rynek, (10 Experience Marketing-Research, Ideas, Opinions (2)), 4-13. DOI:
Generosi, A., Ceccacci, S., Faggiano, S., Giraldi, L., & Mengoni, (2020) M. A Toolkit for the Automatic Analysis of Human Behavior in HCI Applications in the Wild, ASTES Journal, , , , DOI: 10.25046/aj050622
Ceccacci, S., Generosi, A., Leopardi, A., Mengoni, M., & Mandorli, A. F. (2021). The Role of Haptic Feedback and Gamification in Virtual Museum Systems. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 14(3), 1-14. DOI:
Agostinelli, T., Generosi, A., Ceccacci, S., Khamaisi, R. K., Peruzzini, M., & Mengoni, M. (2021). Preliminary Validation of a Low-Cost Motion Analysis System Based on RGB Cameras to Support the Evaluation of Postural Risk Assessment. Applied Sciences, 11(22), 10645. DOI:
Ceccacci, S., Mengoni, M., Generosi, A., Giraldi, L., Presta, R., Carbonara, G., Castellano, A., & Montanari, R. (2022). Designing in-car emotion-aware automation. European Transport, 2021, (84). DOI:
Generosi, A., Agostinelli, T., & Mengoni, M. (2022). Smart retrofitting for human factors: a face recognition-based system proposal. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 1-13. DOI:
Generosi, A., Ceccacci, S., Tezçi, B., Montanari, R., & Mengoni, M. (2022). Nudges-based design method for adaptive HMI to improve driving safety. Safety, 8(3), 63. DOI:
Ferretti, M., Rigo, C., Mengoni, M., & Generosi, A. (2022). Patrimonio interconnesso: Connettere luoghi ed esperienze digitalmente per riattivare i territori fragili nella Regione Marche. Officina, (38).
Generosi, A., Agostinelli, T., Ceccacci, S., & Mengoni, M. (2022). A novel platform to enable the future human-centered factory. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 122(11), 4221-4233. DOI:
Generosi, A., Villafan, J. Y., Giraldi, L., Ceccacci, S., & Mengoni, M. (2022). A Test Management System to Support Remote Usability Assessment of Web Applications. Information, 13(10), 505. DOI:
Ceccacci, S., Generosi, A., Giraldi, L., & Mengoni, M. (2023). Emotional Valence from Facial Expression as an Experience Audit Tool: An Empirical Study in the Context of Opera Performance. Sensors, 23(5), 2688. DOI:
Jamali, R., Generosi, A., Villafan, J. Y., Mengoni, M., Pelagalli, L., Battista, G., ... & Castellini, P. (2024). Facial Expression Recognition for Measuring Jurors’ Attention in Acoustic Jury Tests. Sensors, 24(7), 2298.
Mengoni, M., Ceccacci, S., & Generosi, A. Emotion Recognition and Affective Computing. In Interaction Techniques and Technologies in Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 325-354). CRC Press.
Ceccacci, S., Generosi, A., Giraldi, L., Mengoni, M. (2017) An user-centered approach to design smart systems for people with dementia. IEEE 7th International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), Berlin, pp. 273-278. DOI:
Ceccacci, S., Generosi, A., Giraldi, L., Mengoni, M. (2018) An Emotion Recognition System for monitoring Shopping Experience. In Proceedings of the 11th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference (PETRA '18), pp. 102-103. ACM, New York, NY, USA. DOI:
Generosi, A., Ceccacci, S., Mengoni M. (2018) A deep learning-based system to track and analyze customer behavior in retail store, IEEE 8th International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Berlin (ICCE-Berlin). DOI:
Generosi, A., Altieri, A., Ceccacci, S., Foresi, G., Talipu, A., Turri, G., Mengoni, M., Giraldi, L. (2019) MoBeTrack: A Toolkit to Analyze User Experience of Mobile Apps in the Wild, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, NV, USA, pp. 1-2. DOI:
Altieri, A., Ceccacci, S., Ciabattoni, L., Generosi, A., Talipu, A., Turri, G., Mengoni, M. (2019) An Adaptive System to Manage Playlists and Lighting Scenarios Based on the User’s Emotions, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, NV, USA, pp. 1-2. DOI:
Talipu, A., Generosi, A., Mengoni, M., & Giraldi, L. (2019, June). Evaluation of Deep Convolutional Neural Network architectures for Emotion Recognition in the Wild. In 2019 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Consumer Technologies (ISCT) (pp. 25-27). IEEE. DOI:
Ceccacci, S., Mengoni, M. Generosi, A., Giraldi, L., Carbonara, G., Castellano, A., Montanari, R. (2020) A preliminary Investigation towards the application of facial expression analysis to enable an emotion-aware car interface, HCI INTERNATIONAL 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark. DOI:
Ceccacci, S., Generosi, A., Cimini, G., Faggiano, S., Giraldi, L., Mengoni, M. (2021) M. Facial coding as a mean to enable continuous monitoring of student’s behavior in e-Learning, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021, 2817
Ceccacci, S., Generosi, A., & Mengoni, M. (2021, September). A System to Support the Design and Management of Customer Experience Based on a Customer-Centered Approach. In International Conference on Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange (pp. 753-760). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-91234-5_76
Giraldi, L., Generosi, A., Binci, D., Sestino, A., & Cedrola, E. (2022, January). A preliminary study on the impact of face coding and eye- tracking tools in the automotive sector, 21st International Marketing Trends Conference, Rome, Italy.
Generosi, A., Ceccacci, S., D’Angelo, I., Del Bianco, N., Cimini, G., Mengoni, M., & Giaconi, C. (2022). Emotion Analysis Platform to Investigate Student-Teacher Interaction. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 35-48). Springer, Cham. DOI:
Carulli, M., Generosi, A., Bordegoni, M., & Mengoni, M. (2023). Design of XR Applications for Museums, Including Technology Maximising Visitors’ Experience. In International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing (pp. 1460-1470). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-15928-2_127
Generosi, A., Agostinelli, T., Mengoni, M., & Ceccacci, S. (2022, October). Augmented Reality for assembly operation training: does immersion affect the recall performance?. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Extended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (MetroXRAINE) (pp. 58-63). IEEE. DOI:
Generosi, A., Caresana, F., Dourou, N., Bruschi, V., Cecchi, S., & Mengoni, M. (2023, July). An Experimentation to Measure the Influence of Music on Emotions. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 142-157). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Agostinelli, T., Generosi, A., Ceccacci, S., Pretaroli, R., & Mengoni, M. (2023, July). A Method and Experimentation to Benchmark XR Technologies Enhancing Archeological Museum Experience. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 3-16). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Dourou, N., Bruschi, V., Generosi, A., Mengoni, M., & Cecchi, S. (2023, September). The Effect of Immersive Audio Rendering on Listeners’ Emotional State. In 2023 Immersive and 3D Audio: from Architecture to Automotive (I3DA) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
Generosi, A., Villafan, J. Y., Montanari, R., & Mengoni, M. (2024, June). A Multimodal Approach to Understand Driver’s Distraction for DMS. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 250-270). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Giancamilli, G., Generosi, A., Agostinelli, T., Mazzuto, G., & Mengoni, M. (2023, September). Methodological Framework to Define Connected Machines’ Specifications for Smart Factories. In International Conference of the Italian Association of Design Methods and Tools for Industrial Engineering (pp. 399-406). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.